
If I Had A Boat

breaking at the seams
heaving at the brace
sheets all billowing
the breaking of the day
sea is not my friend
seasons they conspire
still I choose to swim
slip beneath the tide


Valentin Loellmann

I immediately fell in love with Loellmann's "m.&mme. 2011" furniture collection a few weeks ago and I've been thinking about it ever since. I love how the pieces feel like they could be a faun just learning how to walk. There's something about it that's so whimsical yet very sophisticated because of the materials used. I can't help but whisper thank you into the air and hope that it dances in the night sky and into the heart of this wonderful designer.

The images above are from an earlier collection called "Past Memories". As I listen to the sweet sound of James Vincent McMarrow, I too am feeling quite nostalgic.

For more work by this talented designer click HERE


In just a few short days, with minimal sleep, I fell in love with a cute city called Montreal. 
Toronto, you have competition.



It's far too hard to choose a favourite Whitney Houston song when so many are dear to my heart. As a young boy I remember singing along to 'How Will I know' with my mother, two stepping to 'Dance with Somebody' and discovering the complexities of the heart to 'I will always love you'. Before those hits, Whitney Houston covered  'Home'- one of my all time favourite songs from the Broadway hit Musical  'the Wiz'. There's a quiet beauty about it that makes me smile uncontrollably. I hope that feeling is contagious.

Needless to say, the music industry has suffered a great loss but let us all be thankful for the legacy left behind.

"Living here in this brand new world might be a fantasy but it's taught me to love...so it's real"



I stayed up last night making these Valentine's day cards for the special people in my life. To friends, family, lovers and all of YOU, Happy Valentine's day. 
I appreciate you.


Studio 407

I had the pleasure of attending the opening reception of Intimate Gestures last night. Thank god for good art, good music and friends that make your heart feel good.

"Intimate Gestures" is a group art exhibition featuring over 30 emerging Toronto artists. The collection is made up of photographs, films, illustrations, sculptures and poems that address a plethora of issues faced by the lover or the loved. The turbulence of desire, of distress and of excess.

Cat's Cradle

"Love is space and time measured by the heart"
I was asked to create a space for dreaming, living & learning. My theory is that if we dream all the time, we can learn from our dreams and live our dreams.
Photography and graphics done by yours truly


The Varsity

Last week I had the pleasure of being photographed by a good friend, Wyatt Clough for his school newspaper. The Varsity Magazine is apparently one of the top student run newspapers in Canada and I was more than enthusiastic when the design issue hit the stands on Monday. If you are a Torontonian, I urge you to pick up a copy. Besides pretty pictures and playful headlines, the writers for the paper are awfully talented.

You can download a copy of the issue 


Jack Kerouac

I've been quietly  obsessing over Jack Kerouac these days. I've been collecting words of inspiration and comfort for the past two years and it recently occurred to me that these quotes were all coming from the same person. With this new information, I turned the clock backwards to engage in the life and times of Jack and I can't help but feel like I've encountered a long, lost friend. If we break the boundaries between reality and the spirit world there are always friends to be made and lives to be cherished.