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Yea, I went there.
The end of the year has me feeling more nostalgic than usual. ( didn't think that was possible?) The years are flying by- like tomorrow I'll graduate, and the week after I'll be middle aged.I'm not afraid of this concept I just want to enjoy every minute of it. As I watch the second hand on my clock tick, tick, tick. I'm reminded of the song we all love and hate. The truth is Mr. Larson is brilliant for putting this thought into the atmosphere in the form of song.

How do you measure a year?

-In Starbucks
-In blog entries
-In all nighters
-In paycheques
-In imperial
-In Cardboard
-In sunlight
-In photos
-In texts
-In Pints
-In laughter
-In hugs
-In Post Stamps
-But most & best of all, In Seasons of love for all the people that have graced me with their smiles and ideas, hugs and kisses.

Cheers to a decade!

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