
I Hate Perfume


Christopher Brosius Limited
93 Wythe Avenue
Brooklyn NY

I hate perfume too and I am constantly on the hunt for complimentary scents that won't give me a headache. You can only imagine how thrilled I was when a friend introduced me to Christopher's line of scents inspired by "memories". Besides having fantastic branding and beautifully written theories on scent, Christopher's line is an aromatic oasis. Christopher is an artist, an architect, a set designer, a scientist, a perfumer and all around interesting man. If you're roaming the streets of Brooklyn I recommend that you pay CB a visit- after all, it's just a matter of following your nose.
"And so it is. We live because we breathe and with each breath, we smell. This is inevitable. The Sense of Smell is our first and most immediate link to the world around us. It reminds us of what (and who) we love. Smell is perhaps the most complex sense we possess and possibly this is why it is the least understood and most often taken for granted… Yet we also know, that none of the other senses can touch us so profoundly as scent. Not even music can stir the mind & heart so powerfully as one tiny whiff. Scent is always individual. Your sense of smell is one of the most unique things about you – more individual than your fingerprints, than the shape of your ear, than the pattern of your retina. Your sense of smell is one of the most important factors that defines you as YOU. The way you respond to any scent is unlike anyone else’s – no one remembers what you do, no one feels what you feel. There is a reason you remember certain scents so fondly – it’s the way nature designed you. Scent is the record of your own special life – it’s your experience. My mission is to capture that experience. I bottle it so you can have it, use it and love it whenever you wish. I can give you scent experiences you never dreamed possible. I create perfumes as unique & individual as those who wear them. And I use a great many scents never before thought of as “perfume”. But I know these are just the scents that really hit us where we live – they’re the ones we remember and love. These scents are life.
To me, this is what the art of perfume is all about." 

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