I took the bus to work today. Usually I sit by the window and gaze at people going by. I wonder where people could be traveling to, if they are late, if they had a chance to eat breakfast and if they are cold. I can usually answer all of the above with a glance but sometimes I listen for "stomach talk" and chattering teeth. I've been making an effort to consciously engage all of my senses. Sometimes I fear that if I lose my sight in old age that this loss might define me. Close your eyes. There are Four other fantastic ways to engage in the world.
I said, I took the bus to work today- surprisingly on schedule, had a
smoothie for breakfast and was mildly overheated on the bus. If one
was observing me they might see a bead of sweat meander on my stubble.
Sometimes I wonder if people have the same questions as I do... Not
because I think they are brilliant questions or anything but rather
because I realize that there are billions of people in world and it is
probable that one might share my curiosities.
took the bus to work today and the window seats were taken. I don't
blame anyone for taking my seat but I do think I have the right to be
silently annoyed. Sometimes I feel an overwhelming sense of ownership
over public spaces. At times it helps to maintain the beauty in the
shared spaces of my city and at other times I find it hard to co-exist.
I'm in my 20s and I'm still learning how to share. I think this is
something we should all admit to ourselves at least once in a lifetime.
took the bus to work today and I sat opposite a young boy wearing a
stunning shirt. It was elaborately encrypted with a secret code that a
realist might call pattern. I am a dreamer and I often see things upside
down. It is this type of thinking that is often shunned but ironically
enough leads to innovation. I wondered where he was going, if he was
late, if he was enjoying his banana and most importantly if he was
greasy or sweating. As I went through my list of questions I became
transfixed by the design of his shirt.
took the bus to work today and traveled a new route. I worked through
the maze on his shirt weaving in and out of fibers and dyes in hopes of
reaching an exotic destination. Instead, I found an infinity of loops
and swirls creating a cycle that could only be repeated. I was in awe.
The bus came to a startling halt and I spiraled out of my adventure
I took the bus to work today and was reminded of the simple pleasures of good design and passive interaction.
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