I managed to get the new issue of Vogue Living Australia over the Thanksgiving weekend. Over not one but TWO turkey dinners I couldn't help but think how thankful I am for the food on my table, good hearts and the people who own them, melody, Atlas and good design. I'm most intrigued by the work of London Based Studio Toogood featured in the VLA's latest Issue.
This is how you throw a dinner party:
Studio Toogood collaborated with chef, Arabeschi Di Latte, to serve black food for a series of midnight dinners in Erastudio- an apartment turned gallery located in Milan during their Design Week. Food included cheese served on coal, blackened artichokes flowers, bread dyed with squid ink and eggs cooked in black tea.
With an underlying morbid tone, the series of dinners was appropriately titled "Natura Morta". This translates to "Still life" in Italian and as a direct English translation it means "Dead Nature". With both of these translations at play within this experience realized by creative director Faye Toogood, I can't help but release my innate punny-ness and say: this is simply too good.Click here
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